Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Warriors Series by Erin Hunter.
Warrior cats, or just Warriors is a fiction series by an author called Erin Hunter. Erin has created three book series, Seekers, Survivors, and of course, Warriors, all three about animals. My personal favourite is Warriors. Warriors is Erin Hunter's bestselling series, about cats. Yes, cats, in reality, all cats do is, eat, sleep, sleep some more & meow.
But this is in fiction land, and in these books, you are in the perspective of a wild cat. For the first series, you are following Rusty, a young house-cat (kittypets as most wild-cats call them)
who is a part of a prophecy, the prophecy was given to Bluestar (Leader of ThunderClan)  from their medicine cat, saying 'Fire Will Save The Clan' . While all this commotion was happening in ThunderClan, Rusty was sneakily sneaking out of his owner's house, going on a little adventure. Bluestar meets Rusty, and asks to join her clan. Because why not ask a random kittypet to join a whoooole series with lots of death. :)
Okay, lemme break this whole thing down for you.
You start off as a small kitten in the nursery, you have a two word name, names are chosen by the parents, let me suggest some, like, Moss, Silver, Fire, Dove, and all those other majestical names. When you're a kit, the ending word of your name is 'Kit' (If the kitten is a clan cat) so, MossKit, SilverKit, FireKit, DoveKit, etc.
Then, once you are six moons old, (the cat's way of saying month) you become an apprentice, with the ending word of your name 'Paw'. The leader holds a ceremony and they are appointed a mentor, after moons of training, you eventually become a warrior. The warriors are the main bulk of the clan and the ending of your name becomes random, such as, MossLeaf, SilverStream, FireHeart, Dovefeather etc. Then, if you catch the leader's eye, you become a deputy. A deputy is second in charge, so when the leader dies (the leader has nine lives from StarClan), the deputy becomes leader, then, you receive your nine lives from StarClan at the moonstone. You then take the ending word of your name, 'star' and you lead your clan until eventually, you join StarClan yourself. (you die :O) but, some cats come back as other cats, but that's waaay too rare.
I hope you liked my Book review, and hope to see you over at the warrior cats section in the library.
Mia McLeod

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